Hello! My name is Magnolia, and I’m excited to be your tutor! I’m starting my second year of studying medicine in Odense, and have previously studied Biochemistry in Copenhagen. I enjoy creative writing and reading in my freetime, and love analysing literary themes and techniques. English is my first language and the one I’m most fluent in, however I understand almost all Danish.
I have been diagnosed with ADHD and thus have a lot of strategies for studying and doing homework with a learning disability. I chose to become a lektiehjælper because I remember how frustrating it was to do homework before I learnt these strategies, and I wanted to help people like me, who have yet to find strategies that work for them.
I believe that there are no bad students, only students in the wrong learning conditions. Low motivation, disability, or simply the wrong teaching techniques will stump even the most brilliant of minds! If something doesn’t go right the first time. don’t try again! Try something different! The end result is the most important.
I hope that I’ll be able to help, and I’m excited to get started!